Affiliate Membership
Select the service category that best describes your business.
Full or Affiliate Membership?
Full Memberships are $1000 per year per chapter (normally $1200).
Full Memberships are for those companies that are primarily senior focused; ~80% or more of your business is for seniors.
Affiliate Memberships are $900 per year per chapter (normally $1100).
Affiliate Memberships are for those companies that are not primarily senior focused but can provide vital support services for seniors and families.
Application Fee is a one-time charge of $200.
Full Membership
Select the service category that best describes your business.
Select all of the chapters where you would like a membership. A gray button indicates the chapter is currently sold-out.
Is your organization for-profit or nonprofit?
The non-refundable application fee is $200 for for-profit and $100 for nonprofit organizations.